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Introducing Andamio CLI

2024-09-23: by James Dunseith

The Andamio Platform introduces new ways for people to collaborate by creating clear pathways from education to contribution. The current platform is only a place to start. We envision that other developers will be able to build new tools - including alternative platforms - on the Andamio Network.

Why Andamio CLI?

It’s never too early to start working toward this vision. That’s why we built Andamio CLI. By providing tools for developers to get information from the Andamio network and to build valid transactions, our goal is to create a space where devs can play around with Andamio, and get some ideas for what else might be built upon it.

What can developers do with Andamio CLI?

The first public release of Andamio CLI is now live and the code is open sourced. Developers can find the documentation at

In the current release, developers can explore query, transaction and write features: 018-andamio-cli-overview.png

Developers can query useful data from the Andamio Network with andamio-cli query: 018-andamio-cli-course-modules-list.png

Developers can use andamio-cli transaction, to build transactions, where the result is an unsigned transaction that can be used with Cardano CLI or imported into an application: 018-andamio-cli-transaction-example.png

Developers can convert data with andamio-cli write: 018-andamio-cli-write-example.png

In upcoming examples, the Getting Started with Andamio and Cardano Go PBL courses will feature step-by-step details of how to use each of these features.

Reflecting on our experience

The development of Andamio CLI has been made possible by our Catalyst Fund 11 proposal: Open-Source Cardano Go Libraries + Docs + Andamio CLI. With the initial release of Andamio CLI, we deliver a key outcome of this proposal.

While building it, our team has learned a lot about Go development and contributed to the Cardano Go development ecosystem. In a related blog post, I share some reflections on what we have learned.

Overall, we've been delighted many times throughout the process...but not always for the reasons we expected.

On the one hand, we encountered toolkits that are still in development and not always feature-complete. On the other hand, we learned that with Go, even when we're relying on a dependency that is still in development, we can quickly build tools that are helpful in a variety of ways.

Whenever features are not yet ready, the Blink Labs team has provided unwavering support by sharing updates on the development of different dependencies, and showing us how current work relates to long-term outcomes.

At Gimbalabs, we have seen this before: we’ve witnessed the development of Mesh, and we understand how progress works. With earlier experience motivating us, we're eager to continue to contribue to the maturity of the Cardano Go ecosystem.

Our Next Steps

Drive Access and Education

We will add indexer deployment features to andamio-cli so that anyone can run their own Andamio APIs. This will be used as a project example in Getting Started with Andamio and Cardano Go PBL courses.

Use Andamio CLI in Fund 12 Proposals

Current research and development work at Andamio is driven by our two projects in Catalyst Fund 12: Developing a Self Sovereign On-chain Identity (SSOI) and Andamio Purpose Sidechain / Layer 2 Concept.

Andamio CLI will play an important role in delivering both of these projects, and a future release of Andamio CLI will add write features for SSOI data and sync features that help developers understand how the Andamio sidechain works.

Your Next Steps

We hope that you'll test Andamio CLI and be in touch with ideas for new features. Continue to follow this blog for more updates on the project.

Thanks for reading!